Welcome to our Special Events Page
Host Parties
Want a reason to get together with friends or family?
We are proud to announce that we are now beginning Healing Tree Host Parties! These host parties are sure to impress as you learn about our products, while spending time with friends or family. During the time that we come into your home, we will present our product to you in various ways; these ways will allow you to learn about our product, test our product and have a chance to purchase our product at the end of the evening.
Alexa Little, a consultant at The Healing Tree, will fill your guests, as well as yourself with knowledge about our product, while ensuring time spent with family or friends is enjoyable for all. She will instruct you on how to utilize each product to allow for the best in you to be awakened, as well as learn about how some of our products are made.
For more information or if you would like to book a Healing Tree Host Party, Contact us at: